Four years ago we were planning our attendance at the Social Enterprise Exchange in Scotland, and here we are again. These experiences expose us to a wide variety of organisations that think differently to mainstream entrepreneurs. I’m not sure if Scotland actually does have a greater proportion of social enterprises, but whenever I visit there is always a strong appetite for the extra value having social impact at the heart of any business brings. Nicola Sturgeon will give the opening address this year , so I am very much looking forward to her plenary.
This year we are planning to partner with one of the social enterprises to provide some more meaningful giveaways. Libertie are a project that provide arts and crafts activities as a therapeutic intervention to reduce the risks of offending. Having worked with offenders myself, I can appreciate that creative interventions bring increased and sustainable positive impact. I hope in supporting them we will be creating good karma by handing out something more worthwhile than the usual tacky handouts! Why not come and see us there at Stand 3