Gravitas Outcome Services CIC is a not for profit social enterprise that helps you to report on outcomes. We have had many years of combined experience both working in the field of social care and developing systems in corporate settings.
There was no grand plan behind developing this service but in true ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ style, it grew from something completely different. Gravitas as a partnership originally developed bespoke software systems for corporate clients in various industries. One lucrative client was a leading financial institution that we provided marketing analysis services to. When the crisis struck we found ourselves with time on our hands!
Gravitas already supported a local mental health charity, so we volunteered our spare staff time to develop systems that would benefit them. A key worry for them at the time was the looming personalisation agenda and impending payment by results worries. Lynn the centre manager at SPARC (Stockport Progress and Recovery Centre) explained that she felt like her worries were ‘a big multi-coloured ball of wool all tangled and messy’. From experience we knew that the best thing to do was keep things simple and just make a start.
CORS, our case outcome recording system is what grew from this dilemma. It has taken over five years to get to where it is today, but along the way SPARC have become the envy of local services, and we have learnt a LOT! This has led us to develop the service we now offer for other community organisations as a separate social enterprise while Gravitas Software Development Ltd now goes its own way with new corporate clients, while still providing technical support and development to CORS.